Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Looking For That Christmas Spirit

Adulthood responsibilities have killed that joyous feeling I used to have when Christmas came around. Part of it might be that fact that I'm well into adulthood, no man to buy any gifts for, and I have no children of my own to spoil. Either way Christmas time isn't as special as it used to be. How does a person like me get into the holiday spirit? 

Pictures are a start. Although I have a beautiful camera meant for taking nice photos, the camera on the phone is always better for taking selfies. So I pratcially ran my phone battery down during the weekend taking festive looking selfies. Even if the selfies haven't quite helped my mental preparation for the holiday, the pictures of myself look cute. 

Self-Gifting ideas also popped into my head recently. Okay, this is a time of giving to others, but I'm addicted to giving to myself. Lately I want to feel more alive and free. The receptiveness gets to me. The last time I remember feeling totally free was when I was a kid. So my self gifting ideas have been some skates, a hula hoop, and some braids. I would add a bicycle to that list, but my adult brain won't allow me to spend too much. 

And lastly a break is on my mind. Christmas of 2015 is actually offering me a three day weekend which I plan to take full advantage of. I don't know how I'll take advantage of it, but it will happen.

Are you all struggling with celebrating Christmas this year? 

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