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Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Summer Reading, 50 Shades of Grey by E L James
The latest book that everyone is going crazy over is 50 Shades of Grey, written by E L James.
The first time I heard the title 50 Shades of Grey was actually on the news. The local news was talking about this interesting book that many people are trying to read and no libraries on my side of town are carrying. The excuse of the librarians is that it's a poorly written novel. Soon after I started hearing that the book came with a lot of controversy. Some people say it's really explicit and others say it gives BDSM a bad reputation. However, what really made me curious about buying 50 Shades of Grey is my best friend is also currently reading it.
Upon buying the book I discovered that there's a 50 Shades series. It consists of three books called 50 Shades of Grey, 50 Shades Darker, and 50 Shades Freed. So I plan to read all three.
Currently I'm halfway through the first book. While the book has its sexual moments, I think people have been exaggerating nature of this book a little. It's really just a cute love story written from the perspective of a girl falling in love for the first time. That's always dangerous.
So I will make it through this series and perhaps my opinion will change a little. Until then I also need to find more books to read after this series. Will you let me know of any new good books to read? You know where to find me (on the internet that is).
The first time I heard the title 50 Shades of Grey was actually on the news. The local news was talking about this interesting book that many people are trying to read and no libraries on my side of town are carrying. The excuse of the librarians is that it's a poorly written novel. Soon after I started hearing that the book came with a lot of controversy. Some people say it's really explicit and others say it gives BDSM a bad reputation. However, what really made me curious about buying 50 Shades of Grey is my best friend is also currently reading it.
Upon buying the book I discovered that there's a 50 Shades series. It consists of three books called 50 Shades of Grey, 50 Shades Darker, and 50 Shades Freed. So I plan to read all three.
Currently I'm halfway through the first book. While the book has its sexual moments, I think people have been exaggerating nature of this book a little. It's really just a cute love story written from the perspective of a girl falling in love for the first time. That's always dangerous.
So I will make it through this series and perhaps my opinion will change a little. Until then I also need to find more books to read after this series. Will you let me know of any new good books to read? You know where to find me (on the internet that is).
Hair Journey, Really Red This Time
My hair is super red and I love it. This is not the same red as last time.
If you didn't know, a couple months ago I went to get my hair colored red. In the midst of talking to the stylist at the salon the color ended up being more of a reddish orange. I still loved it. After all, it was my first time experimenting with permanent hair color. Well over the months my hair started to grow and the color started to fade. Whoever trimmed my would end up cutting a little of the color off and I could see more black. The seeing of more black is the good part. Recently I looked in the mirror and was happy with my growth. The growth was great, but my hair needed something new. So I called a new stylist that I met through a friend and made a hair appointment.
Now my hair is redder than before. This is not the kind of red that only shines bright in the light. This red is loud and gorgeous. Of course I've already taken a bunch of photos via my iPhone.
While red is good, I admit I'm a little nervous and self conscious. What will people think? The internet world often has a different opinion than that people you have to see from day to day. Anyway, I'm pleased with my new color.
Red Hair, Don't Care (well maybe a little)
If you didn't know, a couple months ago I went to get my hair colored red. In the midst of talking to the stylist at the salon the color ended up being more of a reddish orange. I still loved it. After all, it was my first time experimenting with permanent hair color. Well over the months my hair started to grow and the color started to fade. Whoever trimmed my would end up cutting a little of the color off and I could see more black. The seeing of more black is the good part. Recently I looked in the mirror and was happy with my growth. The growth was great, but my hair needed something new. So I called a new stylist that I met through a friend and made a hair appointment.
Now my hair is redder than before. This is not the kind of red that only shines bright in the light. This red is loud and gorgeous. Of course I've already taken a bunch of photos via my iPhone.
While red is good, I admit I'm a little nervous and self conscious. What will people think? The internet world often has a different opinion than that people you have to see from day to day. Anyway, I'm pleased with my new color.
Red Hair, Don't Care (well maybe a little)
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
All About Hollywood Exes, Forget The Other Reality Shows
Hollywood Exes episode one has hit the internet.
Actually all of these reality shows are dominated by ex-wives, ex-girlfriends, and women who wish they were exes. But that's not what this post is about. There's a new show with a title that gets straight to the point. It's called Hollywood Exes.
You won't find women you dated basketball players or football players on this show. You're not going to find mistresses on this show. Instead you'll find real hardcore ex wives of men you actually know to be famous.
There's Andrea Kelly, who is also known as R. Kelly's ex-wife. However, according to Mrs. Kelly, no one knew who she was when her and Robert were married. That's crazy. Everyone knows women are the backbones of their husband.
Then we have Nicole Murphy, Eddie Murphy's ex-wife. Other than once being married to Eddie Murphy, we also know Nicole for her great body. This woman has had five kids and looks like that. WOW!
We are also being introduced to Jessica Conseco, Jose Conseco's wife, and Mayte Garcia, Prince's ex-wife. I'm guessing Jessica is on here because Jose Conseco is not afraid of being in front of the camera with her still. Now on the other hand Ms. Garcia is interesting because I keep forgetting Prince is capable of a relationship with women. Forget his music and look at him.
Anyway, I'm watching. My obsession with R. Kelly drags me to be curious about Andrea. However, these other women will be sure to spark my attention. So far it doesn't seem as messy as these other ex-wives shows. If you want to see it, watch below.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sunday Reflections: Cute Men And Broke Qualifications
Today I can't stop crying. I'm not even sure what for. All I know is I woke up and the tears started flowing.
Last night I had a dream about being asked on a date. The guy in the dream was not black (don't judge) and really nice. He wanted to take me to grab something to eat. He wanted to put a smile on my face. In another part of the dream we had the best sex ever. I don't know why it went from eating to having sex, but that's how it worked. The sex was too good though. I could still feel it when I woke up. The crazy part of that was I had a twitter mention of a friend telling me that men want to have sex and not talk on the phone in the middle of the night. Could I have seen that message in the middle of the night and subconsciously added it to my dreams?
In other news I'm doing more apartment hunting. Unfortunately the apartment hunting is in a place that I do not want to be. Every time I try to brush this fact out of my mind, a reminder occurs. Yesterday it came in the form of two ways.
One was rental history. I've rented before. The apartment in Tallahassee was rented by me and paid for by me. It was all my name. However, that was several years ago and the agent informed me that people look for recent rental history when they lease to you. Now why was I always informed that it was only based on credit before? Why did no one say that you need to keep keep renting in order to look good for the next place? Did they not think it was important? Did they not think I was going to eventually try to get out on my own? Sometimes I do have fantasies of disappearing from this stupid ugly world, taking a great vacation, and then reappearing to something way better. That's unrealistic though. I'm so tired of being held back.
The other way is broke qualifications. Yes, broke qualifications! You've seen those people that grow up in a middle class family, are able to afford to go to college, take out loans, and actually graduate. Yeah, that was me. But then you see those same people doing extremely well. That's not me. College (in its current state) actually adds to broke qualifications. You graduate and have barely put in real work to society. All you have to offer is a huge skill set that everyone isn't able to have. Everyone hasn't worked hard enough to gain. However, society pushes you back and says you're still not good enough. You've done everything right and years down the road you're still struggling. No one calls it struggling though until you reach out one day and try to go for one of your goals. Then you're reminded that you're broke.
So as I was talking to this rental agent she brought up broke qualifications. Those weren't her exact words, but that's what I heard. She asked me how much I make a year and I told her. Then she came up with what kind of housing I qualify for. If I made a certain amount (over $27,700) then I'd be expected to afford anything. However, since my lifestyle is below that she (and others) see me as broke.
A long time ago I made a plan. That plan was to become someone I could look in the mirror and be pleased with. During that time I set clear, multiple, and changing goals. The clear goals were what directions I wanted to go with my life. The multiple goals were the ways of getting there. The changing goals were the options I had of how I could accomplish my clear goals and the different places I could go and still reach that. Okay, this actually came from the book Ada's Rules. Rule 2 is make a plan: set clear, multiple, and changing goals. But I can honestly say I've been doing it for years.
However, the battle of accomplishing my goals is not really with the outside world anymore. It's also within myself. I've found myself setting new clear, multiple, and changing goals. Most of these have absolutely nothing to do with what's been in my heart this whole time. Is it right? Should I give up on what I've always wanted? Should I aim for something new even if I'm not sure I want it?
They give us this guideline to life. We follow it thoroughly. For some people it works. For others (like me) it fails miserably and gets thrown in our face. What do we follow when the original guidelines seem to keep failing? How do we smile when inside we're really confused? Where is that cute guy from my dreams? He took me out on a date and gave me great sex.
For some reason I'm about to push the publish button. Maybe a year from now the secret to overcoming will have been discovered and I will be able to see my growth. Or maybe a year from now I'll wake up crying and write another post as random as this. Why knows?
Last night I had a dream about being asked on a date. The guy in the dream was not black (don't judge) and really nice. He wanted to take me to grab something to eat. He wanted to put a smile on my face. In another part of the dream we had the best sex ever. I don't know why it went from eating to having sex, but that's how it worked. The sex was too good though. I could still feel it when I woke up. The crazy part of that was I had a twitter mention of a friend telling me that men want to have sex and not talk on the phone in the middle of the night. Could I have seen that message in the middle of the night and subconsciously added it to my dreams?
In other news I'm doing more apartment hunting. Unfortunately the apartment hunting is in a place that I do not want to be. Every time I try to brush this fact out of my mind, a reminder occurs. Yesterday it came in the form of two ways.
One was rental history. I've rented before. The apartment in Tallahassee was rented by me and paid for by me. It was all my name. However, that was several years ago and the agent informed me that people look for recent rental history when they lease to you. Now why was I always informed that it was only based on credit before? Why did no one say that you need to keep keep renting in order to look good for the next place? Did they not think it was important? Did they not think I was going to eventually try to get out on my own? Sometimes I do have fantasies of disappearing from this stupid ugly world, taking a great vacation, and then reappearing to something way better. That's unrealistic though. I'm so tired of being held back.
The other way is broke qualifications. Yes, broke qualifications! You've seen those people that grow up in a middle class family, are able to afford to go to college, take out loans, and actually graduate. Yeah, that was me. But then you see those same people doing extremely well. That's not me. College (in its current state) actually adds to broke qualifications. You graduate and have barely put in real work to society. All you have to offer is a huge skill set that everyone isn't able to have. Everyone hasn't worked hard enough to gain. However, society pushes you back and says you're still not good enough. You've done everything right and years down the road you're still struggling. No one calls it struggling though until you reach out one day and try to go for one of your goals. Then you're reminded that you're broke.
So as I was talking to this rental agent she brought up broke qualifications. Those weren't her exact words, but that's what I heard. She asked me how much I make a year and I told her. Then she came up with what kind of housing I qualify for. If I made a certain amount (over $27,700) then I'd be expected to afford anything. However, since my lifestyle is below that she (and others) see me as broke.
A long time ago I made a plan. That plan was to become someone I could look in the mirror and be pleased with. During that time I set clear, multiple, and changing goals. The clear goals were what directions I wanted to go with my life. The multiple goals were the ways of getting there. The changing goals were the options I had of how I could accomplish my clear goals and the different places I could go and still reach that. Okay, this actually came from the book Ada's Rules. Rule 2 is make a plan: set clear, multiple, and changing goals. But I can honestly say I've been doing it for years.
However, the battle of accomplishing my goals is not really with the outside world anymore. It's also within myself. I've found myself setting new clear, multiple, and changing goals. Most of these have absolutely nothing to do with what's been in my heart this whole time. Is it right? Should I give up on what I've always wanted? Should I aim for something new even if I'm not sure I want it?
They give us this guideline to life. We follow it thoroughly. For some people it works. For others (like me) it fails miserably and gets thrown in our face. What do we follow when the original guidelines seem to keep failing? How do we smile when inside we're really confused? Where is that cute guy from my dreams? He took me out on a date and gave me great sex.
For some reason I'm about to push the publish button. Maybe a year from now the secret to overcoming will have been discovered and I will be able to see my growth. Or maybe a year from now I'll wake up crying and write another post as random as this. Why knows?
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Disconnected From The Real World
Today I got off work and imagined driving to a nice quiet apartment.
In that apartment the temperature would be just right, the bed would be extremely comfortable, and the television would gladly be available for me to watch it. Even if I didn't want to watch it books would be readily available for me to read.
My clothes would be ready for me to take them off the minute I stepped in the door. There would be no staying fully dressed out of respect for others. I'd walk in the house and strip everything off. Okay, maybe I'd leave on underwear and a t-shirt. Once undressed I'd be totally at ease.
Well, then again I'd pop some popcorn (my snack of choice) and put in a movie. Maybe I'd watch it in the bedroom or maybe I'd make myself comfortable in the living room.
This whole time there would be no one to disturb me. I would not be disturbing anyone. It would be my own quiet, or noisy from music or television, oasis. I'd relax and disconnect from the real world.
Wait, I already am disconnected from the real world. The fantasies are real. They start off as mere thoughts and then become a total lifestyle captured in only my imagination.
There's the life where I've already moved to Los Angeles and I'm learning the art of being an entrepreneur. I'm getting lost in a new big city, going to cool events, discovering new crazy hoods, and creating a brand new home.
In another figment of my imagination I've fell in love with traveling. I've fallen so hard that no one can make me stay in one place. I quit my job, learn how to write and get paid from the computer, and explore as much as possible. In the midst of it all I have lots of true stories to tell about places others have never been.
There is also the fantasy where I can't figure my life out. In the midst of trying to many men come out of nowhere wanting to help. Some are strangers and some are what you might refer to as ex boyfriends. They flop into my life with ideas of success and us being together. It's a Bonnie and Clyde situation, except we're playing to successful entrepreneurs.
Then there's the life where I mess up. In it I accidentally settle for a man right where I am. After settling I eventually get pregnant. Everything in my heart screams leave, but with a baby on the way I'm stuck. The baby daddy keeps telling me of all the great things the future holds, but he's really boring me. He never wants to do anything and I'm afraid when the child comes into the world my life will really be over. I might end up like Mimi on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta. Or I'll end up like one of those parents that eventually forget they ever had a dream and their family becomes their whole world.
Well, there's also a recurring dream I keep having. This dream involves being a mistress, but the sex part is so worth it. The sex is so good that I wake up confused. Well, that's because it feels so real. Although when I wake up I also feel very alone because mistresses get left in the middle of the night so men can go back to their wives.
Wait... none of that is real, but my real life bores me so much sometimes I can't help but fantasize. Sometimes I'm so disconnected from the real world and honestly I just can't help it.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Gangsta Boo~ Nympho, Plus What I Wrote
So I was listening to this...
And then I wrote this...
And then I wrote this...
Gotta get it. Gotta have it like a nympho.
Cute clothes make me feign like a nympho.
Crop tops, tube tops, short shorts, tight pants
Freakum dresses slide me in ‘em like a nympho
The mall makes me come like a nympho.
It says, “Shop shop, spend spend.”
In my new clothes he stares me down like a nympho
He wanna have me, gotta have me like a nympho
But like he feigns for a girl with a big ass
I gotta stack that cash like a nympho.
So I drop down, shake that ass, and walk away like a nympo.
2012 Music K Michelle Bury My Heart
"Bury My Heart," by K. Michelle is available for the public to hear.
K. Michelle is not waiting for the first season of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta to really sink in for folks. She's already dropping new music, but it's good. It seems as if an overwhelming amount of people had no idea who K. Michelle was before Monday night's premiere. That's odd since her song "Sweetest Love" seemed to be all over the place when it hit youtube last year. Maybe no one has connected that she's the same woman yet. Anyway, check out her new song "Buy My Heart" below.
K. Michelle is not waiting for the first season of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta to really sink in for folks. She's already dropping new music, but it's good. It seems as if an overwhelming amount of people had no idea who K. Michelle was before Monday night's premiere. That's odd since her song "Sweetest Love" seemed to be all over the place when it hit youtube last year. Maybe no one has connected that she's the same woman yet. Anyway, check out her new song "Buy My Heart" below.
Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, Why I Can't Turn The Channel
Monday was the official premiere of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta and it received a lot of mixed emotions. In fact the comments were so over the top that producer Mona Scott said if you don't like it turn the channel.
You know what they say..”Shoot the messenger”. But more simply, if you don’t like the show…DON’T WATCH IT! Freedom of choice!! I just … the folks talking shit but glued to the screen. Change the damn channel!! LOL!--Mona Scott
This was no ordinary reality television show. There were no women formally married to former household stars just shouting out the men's names. Well unless you count Lil Scrappy as a household name there weren't. There were no women throwing drinks around like crazy, unless you count the prostitute/rapper woman. Oh, and there were no huge name people staying as far away from trouble as possible, unless you count Rasheeda. No, this show was different.
First you have Rasheeda who is trying to mirror Shaunie O'Neal. She's been in one clip so far and came off as a confidant. Maybe Rasheeda isn't doing that purposely. It could just be the producers.
Then you have K. Michelle. I admit I love K. Michelle's voice, but on this show she is straight ghetto.
The next in line is Mimi and Stevie J. I think they are supposed to be the new Fabolous and Emily B. However, Fabolous wasn't even claiming Emily during her Love & Hip Hop time. Stevie J is claiming Mimi, but is cheating at the same damn time. What makes is worse is he's cheating with this prostitute, Joseline, that for some reason calls herself an artist.
Next is the Jim Jones and Chrissy clones. This is in the form of Lil Scrappy and his girlfriend. Not to mention they have the crazy mom, Momma Dee, in the picture. The difference between Mama Jones and Momma Dee is one did crack and one sold crack.
Those are the most important people on the show so far. The craziest part of this reality television show is this is nowhere near reality. It's all about the music industry. Well, I think the music industry is what they're trying to capture. Actually I'm lying. This is a bad BET movie that you have to watch until the end. Only it comes on Vh1. That's why I can't turn the channel.
You know what they say..”Shoot the messenger”. But more simply, if you don’t like the show…DON’T WATCH IT! Freedom of choice!! I just … the folks talking shit but glued to the screen. Change the damn channel!! LOL!--Mona Scott
This was no ordinary reality television show. There were no women formally married to former household stars just shouting out the men's names. Well unless you count Lil Scrappy as a household name there weren't. There were no women throwing drinks around like crazy, unless you count the prostitute/rapper woman. Oh, and there were no huge name people staying as far away from trouble as possible, unless you count Rasheeda. No, this show was different.
First you have Rasheeda who is trying to mirror Shaunie O'Neal. She's been in one clip so far and came off as a confidant. Maybe Rasheeda isn't doing that purposely. It could just be the producers.
Then you have K. Michelle. I admit I love K. Michelle's voice, but on this show she is straight ghetto.
The next in line is Mimi and Stevie J. I think they are supposed to be the new Fabolous and Emily B. However, Fabolous wasn't even claiming Emily during her Love & Hip Hop time. Stevie J is claiming Mimi, but is cheating at the same damn time. What makes is worse is he's cheating with this prostitute, Joseline, that for some reason calls herself an artist.
Next is the Jim Jones and Chrissy clones. This is in the form of Lil Scrappy and his girlfriend. Not to mention they have the crazy mom, Momma Dee, in the picture. The difference between Mama Jones and Momma Dee is one did crack and one sold crack.
Those are the most important people on the show so far. The craziest part of this reality television show is this is nowhere near reality. It's all about the music industry. Well, I think the music industry is what they're trying to capture. Actually I'm lying. This is a bad BET movie that you have to watch until the end. Only it comes on Vh1. That's why I can't turn the channel.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Summer Reading, The Thirteenth Sacrifice
I'm currently reading "The Thirteenth Sacrifice" by Debbie Viguie. This book is fiction tale of witch hunting in Salem. Actually it's a witch/cop hunting out other witches. I haven't been this interested in witchcraft tales since the days of R.L. Stine addiction. That was literally around 15 years ago.
The first book of the summer was Ada's Rules. While I learned a lot, it's time for some real deal fiction. That's why I'm reading "The Thirteenth Sacrifice" by Debbie Viguie. This book is a special read for many reasons.
The first reason is I have not read a (just for fun) book by a non-black person since middle school. Back then the last non-black author of choice to read was V.C. Andrews. However, after many years the spell of only reading those with the same skin as me is broken. Debbie Viguie really has my attention with "The Thirteenth Sacrifice."
So I started this witchcraft tale on Monday. Currently I'm on page 150 and can barely sit the book down. I'll let you know when I'm finished because this is a goal. A book a week is what I'm going for.
The first book of the summer was Ada's Rules. While I learned a lot, it's time for some real deal fiction. That's why I'm reading "The Thirteenth Sacrifice" by Debbie Viguie. This book is a special read for many reasons.
The first reason is I have not read a (just for fun) book by a non-black person since middle school. Back then the last non-black author of choice to read was V.C. Andrews. However, after many years the spell of only reading those with the same skin as me is broken. Debbie Viguie really has my attention with "The Thirteenth Sacrifice."
So I started this witchcraft tale on Monday. Currently I'm on page 150 and can barely sit the book down. I'll let you know when I'm finished because this is a goal. A book a week is what I'm going for.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Cheesecake Cravings, Why Not Get Some?
A long time ago when I was a little girl I handled my cravings carefully. If they involved expensive food or going to expensive places, I limited myself to birthdays and other people's special occasions. However, after many years of hard labor and denying myself of the good life, I had an epiphany. I can afford to treat myself nicely.
And I do.
My birthday only comes once a year, but my seafood cravings come often. My bank account can finally afford it. I live in an area where the best (and sometimes most expensive) restaurants are located. Technically everywhere in Houston has great restaurants. I can finally afford to go to them. While I have a budget, I finally realize I can afford to fit "pleasure" into the mix.
And I do.
Yesterday I had a heavy cheesecake craving. The only place that came in mind to get good cheesecake was The Cheesecake Factory. So I ran. A friend went too, although I would have just as easily went alone. The goal was to get dessert there and grab real food to go. It was an achievement. Why? Because I realized I could afford to fix that craving and did it.
BTW, I took that picture. Isn't it pretty?
And I do.
My birthday only comes once a year, but my seafood cravings come often. My bank account can finally afford it. I live in an area where the best (and sometimes most expensive) restaurants are located. Technically everywhere in Houston has great restaurants. I can finally afford to go to them. While I have a budget, I finally realize I can afford to fit "pleasure" into the mix.
And I do.
Yesterday I had a heavy cheesecake craving. The only place that came in mind to get good cheesecake was The Cheesecake Factory. So I ran. A friend went too, although I would have just as easily went alone. The goal was to get dessert there and grab real food to go. It was an achievement. Why? Because I realized I could afford to fix that craving and did it.
BTW, I took that picture. Isn't it pretty?
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Sunday Reflections: Applying Ada's Rules To My Life
A few weeks ago I tried to make a goal of making no more goals until some of the huge ones had been accomplished. It was a Sunday Reflections post. However, recently I read Ada's Rules by Alice Randy and realized that was a stupid goal to make. There's a new goal I've made and plan to stick by. It is read a new book every week. Ada's Rules helped me to comfortable make this goal.
Ada's Rules was written by an author named Alice Randall. Originally this book appeared to be a sexy skinny novel. That's written on the front cover. However, it's about way more than weight loss. It is about the healthing of the body and mind. It is about learning ways to make the woman within smile again after going through rough times. It is about continuing to please the woman within. After, before we can make anyone else happy we have to radiate happiness.
Ada's Rules is the perfect book for the woman who is in the land of the lost. The first rule, Don't Keep Doing What You've Always Been Doing, is the ultimate goal that gets a woman back on track to a healthy perspective. It is the perfect book for the woman who needs help figuring out what is good for her lifestyle. The rule, Do The DNA Test, points this out. Ada's Rules is the perfect book for teaching a woman how to look good on the inside and outside. There's are so many rules that express the art of pleasing one's self.
I wanted to write a paragraph by paragraph analysis, but this book is just too good to do that right away. I have to exercise some of the rules in my life first. So below are some of the rules I plan to apply to my life.
You're probably wondering if the rules will work. I'm even wondering if I will be able to stick to the rules. There's so many distractions in this world. It'll all show through in my writing and actions. Until then maybe you should also read "Ada's Rules." Even if you don't feel like you need help, it's still a very entertaining read.
Ada's Rules was written by an author named Alice Randall. Originally this book appeared to be a sexy skinny novel. That's written on the front cover. However, it's about way more than weight loss. It is about the healthing of the body and mind. It is about learning ways to make the woman within smile again after going through rough times. It is about continuing to please the woman within. After, before we can make anyone else happy we have to radiate happiness.
Ada's Rules is the perfect book for the woman who is in the land of the lost. The first rule, Don't Keep Doing What You've Always Been Doing, is the ultimate goal that gets a woman back on track to a healthy perspective. It is the perfect book for the woman who needs help figuring out what is good for her lifestyle. The rule, Do The DNA Test, points this out. Ada's Rules is the perfect book for teaching a woman how to look good on the inside and outside. There's are so many rules that express the art of pleasing one's self.
I wanted to write a paragraph by paragraph analysis, but this book is just too good to do that right away. I have to exercise some of the rules in my life first. So below are some of the rules I plan to apply to my life.
Rule 1: Don't Keep Doing What You've Always Been Doing
I've perfect the art of being miserable. It's time to make a change. I'm about to start making new moves in order to create a serene environment.Rule 2: Make A Plan: Set Clear, Multiple, And Changing Goals.
This is the rule that helped me to realize not setting anymore goals for a while is bad. Goals keep us on our toes. Goals keep us looking forward to something.Rule 5: Don't Attack Anyone On Your Team. Don't Let Anyone On Your Team Attack You.
Rule 10: Budget: Plan To Afford The Feeding, Exercising, And Dressing Of You
I've been taught all my life how to budget for all my needs. There was the need to have a few clothes on my back, enough underwear in my drawer, enough money for food, and just enough for bills. Manicures, pedicures, getting hair done, going on relaxing shopping trips, and traveling were all marked as unnecessary. However, it's time to budget those in to get to a more peaceful world.Rule 11: Get Eight Hours Of Sleep Nightly
Sleeping used to be the easiest part of the day.Rule 13: Self Medicate With Art: Quash Boredom And Anxiety
I love writing and taking photographs. It's not just sticking a camera in my own face. I love photographing others. It has become harder to find friends that love pictures as much as me.Rule 27: Don't Initiate Change You Can't Stick With For Five Years.
This is one of the hardest rules because God knows my heart.Rule 47: Don't Stop Short Of Your Goal
I have these goals. A lot of them have been deferred because of other's opinions. It's time to focus on the goals until they are achieved.Rule 53: Do It For You
You're probably wondering if the rules will work. I'm even wondering if I will be able to stick to the rules. There's so many distractions in this world. It'll all show through in my writing and actions. Until then maybe you should also read "Ada's Rules." Even if you don't feel like you need help, it's still a very entertaining read.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Something Similar To Love
Something Similar To Love
He wanted to penetrate me and I wanted to stimulate him.
The way he enticed me with his eyes, the sight of his eyes traveling from my breast to my thighs, I don’t know if he ever looked at my face, studied my beautiful make-up, the color of my lips, a seductive red, the lips I hope he wished to kiss.
But as he pulled me close, I could feel his hands traveling up and down my spine, something was taking control of his thoughts, and it wasn’t getting to know my mind.
He wanted sex. This he admitted as he helped me take off my clothes. Shorts had become my best friend lately and belly shirts became a common part of my wardrobe. I wanted to show off the sexy flat stomach before either time ran away from me or he got tired of imagining.
I wanted his attention, but I didn’t want his love. I wanted love, but I also wanted freedom. Freedom of expression, the ability to look good and say whatever anywhere, freedom of love, the ability to bond with a man to the point where our hearts were in synch, and freedom of mind, the ability to talk with that dream man about anything.
He didn’t want to be my man and I didn’t want to be his girl. During this night pleasure would be our world. I created the fantasy. We’d start on the sofa and then we’d roam to the kitchen, add some strawberries in the mix, and then we’d find our way to the room. To make the sex sweet we’d play lovers, treat each other like a newlywed couple, and create a night neither of us would forget.
And at that moment his eyes were saying it was time to reveal all, give all, get sweaty together, and maybe fall asleep in each other’s arms.
This was inspired by Usher's IFU song.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Misadventures Of Awkward Black Girl Is Back
It's the first episode of season two of Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl. That soundtrack is the best. Don't judge me.
2012 Music Usher Looking 4 Myself CD
Usher's Looking 4 Myself is finally out. I'm two days late, but $11.99 on time.
It's a quiet Thursday night. The day has gone pretty well. The little bit of music I've heard has been intoxicated.
Lyrics from "I Don't Like" keeps randomly float through my brain. Thoughts of getting a "Refill" of anything and a certain someone keeps crossing my mind. Sike, there's no man.
The only thing that went wrong was I left a good half drunken soda at work. It will be there tomorrow.
The world is peaceful, except for the dose of reality television I received. It was an episode of WE TV's new show LA Hair. That show is my addiction, but something's missing.
I receive a text message from my best friend. She brings up Usher's new CD. Oh No! I forgot all about it. She likes it for the most part, so I quickly download. I'm listening now. So as I float in peaceful harmony I'll leave you with this quote...
"How can someone hurt you, but also make you feel so good?"
It's a quiet Thursday night. The day has gone pretty well. The little bit of music I've heard has been intoxicated.
Lyrics from "I Don't Like" keeps randomly float through my brain. Thoughts of getting a "Refill" of anything and a certain someone keeps crossing my mind. Sike, there's no man.
The only thing that went wrong was I left a good half drunken soda at work. It will be there tomorrow.
The world is peaceful, except for the dose of reality television I received. It was an episode of WE TV's new show LA Hair. That show is my addiction, but something's missing.
I receive a text message from my best friend. She brings up Usher's new CD. Oh No! I forgot all about it. She likes it for the most part, so I quickly download. I'm listening now. So as I float in peaceful harmony I'll leave you with this quote...
"How can someone hurt you, but also make you feel so good?"
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
2012 Music Kirko Bangz I Don't Like Freestyle
Hardcore beats with elementary school rhymes thrown over them, that's the shit I don't like.
Anyway, Kirko Bangz has a freestyle to one of 2012's biggest hits "I Don't Like." Listen below.
Anyway, Kirko Bangz has a freestyle to one of 2012's biggest hits "I Don't Like." Listen below.
2012 Music Tweet Trouble
I heard Tweet has promised us a new song every week and she's delivering. Her latest release is called Trouble." Check it out below.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
My Thoughts On Rihanna's American Apparel Bralette
Rihanna was recently seen in a bra in the streets of New York. Now if Rihanna wasn't a brave Bitch before, her coolness has escalated to new levels.
Okay, the odd part about reading different blogs is I thought these were the new types of shirts. I saw some on sale and bought several in anticipation of wearing. It's not to show my nipples, as many people claim Rihanna is doing. It's not to get attention, although some people think wearing those types of bras/shirts in public scream for attention. It would be just to prove to Lashuntrice (that's me) that I can be comfortable in my own skin and show a lot of skin at the same time.
Now what color would be best to buy this bra in?
Okay, the odd part about reading different blogs is I thought these were the new types of shirts. I saw some on sale and bought several in anticipation of wearing. It's not to show my nipples, as many people claim Rihanna is doing. It's not to get attention, although some people think wearing those types of bras/shirts in public scream for attention. It would be just to prove to Lashuntrice (that's me) that I can be comfortable in my own skin and show a lot of skin at the same time.
Now what color would be best to buy this bra in?
Summer Reading: Ada's Rules by Alice Randall
Currently I'm reading Ada's Rules, by Alice Randall.
After a year of stressing about finding work, a couple months of working part time, and a year of getting into the swing of a full time job, and in the midst of it all learning how to vacation, I'm discovering more and more about how to bring the old fun activities back into the mix. Was that a run-on sentence? Oh Well! Other than taking out moments during each day to have an affair with myself, I'm also reading.
When I was little the local library had reading challenges. One reading challenge involved reading 30 books between June and August. I took the challenge, read at least 30 books, and internalized everything. Well this summer the only person challenging me to read is me, but I'm taking this challenge head-on.
The first book is called Ada's Rules. This book is about a woman who gets an invitation to her 25th year college reunion. During this time she has to see the first love of her life, so she goes on a diet challenge. At the beginning she weighs 220 pounds, so she sets a goal of 100 pounds. However, during the challenge she learns so much about herself and life.
Ada's Rules is 334 pages long. However, since it's so good I'm already on page 257 since starting Sunday and plan to be finished by the end of today. Soon there were be a full analysis of each chapter and how I can use this to make changes in my own life.
Stay tuned. The summer reading has just begun.
After a year of stressing about finding work, a couple months of working part time, and a year of getting into the swing of a full time job, and in the midst of it all learning how to vacation, I'm discovering more and more about how to bring the old fun activities back into the mix. Was that a run-on sentence? Oh Well! Other than taking out moments during each day to have an affair with myself, I'm also reading.
When I was little the local library had reading challenges. One reading challenge involved reading 30 books between June and August. I took the challenge, read at least 30 books, and internalized everything. Well this summer the only person challenging me to read is me, but I'm taking this challenge head-on.
The first book is called Ada's Rules. This book is about a woman who gets an invitation to her 25th year college reunion. During this time she has to see the first love of her life, so she goes on a diet challenge. At the beginning she weighs 220 pounds, so she sets a goal of 100 pounds. However, during the challenge she learns so much about herself and life.
Ada's Rules is 334 pages long. However, since it's so good I'm already on page 257 since starting Sunday and plan to be finished by the end of today. Soon there were be a full analysis of each chapter and how I can use this to make changes in my own life.
Stay tuned. The summer reading has just begun.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Sunday Reflections: Meeting Up With The Lonely Child
There was once a lonely child. Before a certain age some people called her an only child. Most of her family lived far and her parents didn't understand the importance of her having friends. She craved friends to bond with. She craved attention. Even during the days of 100 degree heat, the days where popsicles seemed to be free and running around barefoot outside of the house was acceptable, she would go out and constantly look for friends.
Anyone, no matter what age, if they wanted to play or hang, she would be overjoyed.
However, at the beginning of each day she'd find herself alone. In the middle of the day more alone time. Towards the end of the day she would be by herself with her popsicle in hand, a book to keep her company, and 100 degree heat blazing down on her brown skin.
At some point after years of trying to get the attention of everyone she gave up and submitted to loneliness. Lonely became her friend. She embraced lonely liked there was no one else in the world. They went outside together, read together, created fiction stories together, watched television together, and even camped inside her room together. For the first time in forever outside of school, outside of summer programs where she might never see the other kids again, outside of church where she was forced to bond, she had her first real friend. Her friend was Lonely, but to some she may have looked like another lonely child.
After years of creating friendships, fun memories with cool people, and diving fully into adult hood she, well me, wait I am trying to meet up with the lonely child again. After developing a friendship with the girl who doesn't quite realize that the only person who she needs to love and treat her right is herself I'm trying to find the lonely girl again. After realizing that my lifelong friends are few and far away I have to learn to develop that loving relationship with the lonely girl again. But wait...
She was never really lonely. She just had a friend called Lonely. I'm trying to meet up with Lonely again so I can relearn how to enjoy being by myself. The process has already started.
(Disclaimer: Some of this was sort of exaggerated for the blogger's and readers entertainment.)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Mehcad Brooks, My New Crush
I'm in love with this man named Mehcad Brooks.
The love started developing a few weeks ago when I discovered a show on television called Necessary Roughness. Necessary Roughness is about a psycotherapist who gives advice on the state of mind professional athletes. Terrance King (Mehcad Brooks) is one of her clients.
While this show has been on for a while, I started watching a few weeks ago. During the time reruns were coming along so I was able to catch up just in time for Wednesday's season premiere. Between the last season and this season I was able to get a feel for Mehcad Brook's character. His character, Terrance, is an arrogant football player who continually gets in trouble. Whether it's with the team manager or people on the street Terrance has controversy surrounding him all the time. However, his trouble is not what caught my attention.
It's his fine body. Just look at Mehcad Brooks. He's cute, obviously has a personality, and only six years older than me.
The love started developing a few weeks ago when I discovered a show on television called Necessary Roughness. Necessary Roughness is about a psycotherapist who gives advice on the state of mind professional athletes. Terrance King (Mehcad Brooks) is one of her clients.
While this show has been on for a while, I started watching a few weeks ago. During the time reruns were coming along so I was able to catch up just in time for Wednesday's season premiere. Between the last season and this season I was able to get a feel for Mehcad Brook's character. His character, Terrance, is an arrogant football player who continually gets in trouble. Whether it's with the team manager or people on the street Terrance has controversy surrounding him all the time. However, his trouble is not what caught my attention.
It's his fine body. Just look at Mehcad Brooks. He's cute, obviously has a personality, and only six years older than me.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
2012 Music Tweet Day Dreaming
Singer Tweet is preparing to release new music.
Years ago the world was introduced to Tweet to a song called "Oops, Oh My." This song, which is about masturbation, was hot in the club and was played heavily on the radio. However, soon after Tweet went on a hiatus.
After many years of being gone from the spotlight Tweet is back. In preparation for an album, Tweet is keeping us entertained with new music. Recently she did a cover to Aretha Franklin's "Day Dreaming." Listen below.
Years ago the world was introduced to Tweet to a song called "Oops, Oh My." This song, which is about masturbation, was hot in the club and was played heavily on the radio. However, soon after Tweet went on a hiatus.
After many years of being gone from the spotlight Tweet is back. In preparation for an album, Tweet is keeping us entertained with new music. Recently she did a cover to Aretha Franklin's "Day Dreaming." Listen below.
2012 Music Ciara Sweat Ft. 2 Chainz
Ciara is finally back with new music and a new album, One Woman Army.
The last time we heard music from Ciara was in 2010 when her album Basic Instinct was nowhere near successfully. After the big flop, in early 2011 Ciara started begging her record label, Jive, to drop her. The music being created wasn't working for them and it wasn't making her money.
Now after a year Ciara is finally back to doing what she loves most, singing. Her first song off her upcoming 5th studio album will be titled "Sweat."
"Sweat" features everyone's currently favorite rapper 2 Chainz. Listen below.
The last time we heard music from Ciara was in 2010 when her album Basic Instinct was nowhere near successfully. After the big flop, in early 2011 Ciara started begging her record label, Jive, to drop her. The music being created wasn't working for them and it wasn't making her money.
Now after a year Ciara is finally back to doing what she loves most, singing. Her first song off her upcoming 5th studio album will be titled "Sweat."
"Sweat" features everyone's currently favorite rapper 2 Chainz. Listen below.
Obviously "Sweat" is following in the trend of techno music.
The Lady That Talks To Herself
One random day in a strange city in a new state I hopped on a bus. There was no car to drive in, no friends to pick me up, and my feet were worn out from walking all over the place. Plus I was considering living in this strange city in the new state, so hopping on the bus was worth it. Right after I sat down a lady hopped on the bus and sat down behind me.
She was an older lady in her 50's. Her outfit seemed as if it had not been washed in weeks and her hair begged for a comb or brush to go through it. It was obvious she had lived a life full adventures. She also appeared to hold something up to her ear and she was talking very loudly. I tried not to stare.
However, soon after the bus started moving her hands moved away from her ear. She kept talking though. She brought up deep, thoughtful subjects, paused for answers, and then responded to no one in particular. During her conversation I heard about politics, bad ass children, and how expensive it was just to buy some food. But what she was discussing wasn't important to me. What I was curious about was how'd she get to the point where she was sitting on a bus talking to herself.
Maybe it had to do with her childhood. As kids we want to discuss every new thing that comes along in our path. Adults usually encourage us to speak up, even when they don't want to pay attention. Could she have possibly been one one those children that always spoke her mind, but then grew up and didn't know how to stop?
Or maybe she was a victim of the color of her skin. She could have possibly been one of those smart black people that went to school, finished her education, and ended up in a great job. However, she paid attention to the media, which reminds us that African Americans everywhere are messing up. She heard about the downfall of Blacks so often that she began to mess up at everything she did. Then one day she woke up, discovered she was another misfit in the Black community, and decided she was the only voice she could trust. So now she spends her days talking to herself.
But there is one other explanation.
Maybe everyone listened to her. Her parents loved her because they were her child, so they listened to her constant ramblings. The teachers in school hated to hear her talk because she never made sense, but they couldn't tell her to shut up. Someone somewhere nicely put it out there that she needed a doctor. The doctor diagnosed her with the disease "Crazy As Hell" and drugged her up. She eventually became just like everyone else. Years passed and she started feeling like a Robot. She'd wake up, eat, go to work, remind herself to eat, only speak when spoken to, and at the end of her day sleep. She was bored and the pills felt old. She needed something new in her life. She quit taking her pills and eventually started to feel good. There was no more waking up and going to work. They fired her because she continually talked and made no sense. There was no routine. She left that behind with the pills. Instead there were random moments of having strangers stare at her crazily because she would sit somewhere and have full blown conversations with herself. While they stared she became lost in a world full her discussing all the things she wanted. She was happy.
Then again maybe she is the normal one and I'm crazy for thinking about this so deeply.
She was an older lady in her 50's. Her outfit seemed as if it had not been washed in weeks and her hair begged for a comb or brush to go through it. It was obvious she had lived a life full adventures. She also appeared to hold something up to her ear and she was talking very loudly. I tried not to stare.
However, soon after the bus started moving her hands moved away from her ear. She kept talking though. She brought up deep, thoughtful subjects, paused for answers, and then responded to no one in particular. During her conversation I heard about politics, bad ass children, and how expensive it was just to buy some food. But what she was discussing wasn't important to me. What I was curious about was how'd she get to the point where she was sitting on a bus talking to herself.
Maybe it had to do with her childhood. As kids we want to discuss every new thing that comes along in our path. Adults usually encourage us to speak up, even when they don't want to pay attention. Could she have possibly been one one those children that always spoke her mind, but then grew up and didn't know how to stop?
Or maybe she was a victim of the color of her skin. She could have possibly been one of those smart black people that went to school, finished her education, and ended up in a great job. However, she paid attention to the media, which reminds us that African Americans everywhere are messing up. She heard about the downfall of Blacks so often that she began to mess up at everything she did. Then one day she woke up, discovered she was another misfit in the Black community, and decided she was the only voice she could trust. So now she spends her days talking to herself.
But there is one other explanation.
Maybe everyone listened to her. Her parents loved her because they were her child, so they listened to her constant ramblings. The teachers in school hated to hear her talk because she never made sense, but they couldn't tell her to shut up. Someone somewhere nicely put it out there that she needed a doctor. The doctor diagnosed her with the disease "Crazy As Hell" and drugged her up. She eventually became just like everyone else. Years passed and she started feeling like a Robot. She'd wake up, eat, go to work, remind herself to eat, only speak when spoken to, and at the end of her day sleep. She was bored and the pills felt old. She needed something new in her life. She quit taking her pills and eventually started to feel good. There was no more waking up and going to work. They fired her because she continually talked and made no sense. There was no routine. She left that behind with the pills. Instead there were random moments of having strangers stare at her crazily because she would sit somewhere and have full blown conversations with herself. While they stared she became lost in a world full her discussing all the things she wanted. She was happy.
Then again maybe she is the normal one and I'm crazy for thinking about this so deeply.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Introducing Triple Money Inc.
Triple Money Inc. is just what it sounds like. This business features books, turning those books into movies, and represents artists in the music industry.
Triple Money Inc. is owned by Terry Wroten, a popular author that lives in California. Will you support this growing black business?
Sunday, June 3, 2012
2012 Music Graduate Me Lamyia Good Ft. Tyga
Did you know Meagan Good can sing? Well, that's not really important. Her sister Lamyia Good is the one that's really trying to get our attention in the music industry. Lamyia Good recently came out with a new song, "Graduate Me," which features Tyga.
So what do you think? Is Lamyia talented to you? Shoot, after listening to that I want a man to graduate me.
Sunday Reflections: No More Goals Until...
I accomplish the ones that have already been created. Chris Brown created a goal of doing no interviews for 2012. So far he hasn't spoken with any media outlets and it's working for him. It's keeping him out of mainstream media. The blogs are still covering Chris Brown's every word. The man tweets too much, but that's not that point. Chris set a goal and he's not breaking it, even with an album coming out in July.
I'm trying to be the same way. I have to set these goals and accomplish them without any distractions. Last weekend on a Saturday night I walked into a club solo. Going out had been a goal for a while, but going solo never crossed my mind. The music was good and the people seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was weird for me though. This is mostly because if some strange man came out of nowhere, I had no friend to run to. I made it through the night though and realized I can do this again. Getting out of the house more is no longer a goal. It's a continuous accomplishment.
But wait...
The only problem with creating no more goals is my current ones are huge and not set in stone. There's New York, but it requires careful planning. Then there is becoming an author, but I don't know who will buy my books yet. There's also being someone's protege, but it requires heavy networking. And the list goes on and on.
I did learn something recently thanks to a friend. Whenever my New York trip happens, I have to learn to blend in as much as possible. I'll have to learn the ways of New Yorker's and then fit right in during the visit. Damn, was that another goal?
I'm trying to be the same way. I have to set these goals and accomplish them without any distractions. Last weekend on a Saturday night I walked into a club solo. Going out had been a goal for a while, but going solo never crossed my mind. The music was good and the people seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was weird for me though. This is mostly because if some strange man came out of nowhere, I had no friend to run to. I made it through the night though and realized I can do this again. Getting out of the house more is no longer a goal. It's a continuous accomplishment.
But wait...
The only problem with creating no more goals is my current ones are huge and not set in stone. There's New York, but it requires careful planning. Then there is becoming an author, but I don't know who will buy my books yet. There's also being someone's protege, but it requires heavy networking. And the list goes on and on.
I did learn something recently thanks to a friend. Whenever my New York trip happens, I have to learn to blend in as much as possible. I'll have to learn the ways of New Yorker's and then fit right in during the visit. Damn, was that another goal?
Saturday, June 2, 2012
2012 Music Teyana Taylor Bad Boy
Teyana Taylor has released a viral music video for her song "Bad Boy." This is coming from her mixtape The Misundersanding of Teyana Taylor.
I must admit she's a much better singer than actress.
I must admit she's a much better singer than actress.
Friday, June 1, 2012
A Lesson In Patience And Love
Earlier one of my favorite authors, Darnella Ford, posted a very inspiring message on Facebook.
"True story: Two days ago, I decided to make my boyfriend an AMAZING dinner (Darnella in anybody's kitchen is its' own miracle). Initially, all was fine...then half-way through the process, somehow my meal imploded AND exploded in the oven, fire alarms went off, house filled with smoke and neighbors ran onto the street to evacuate the building! Boyfriend arrived, only to be greeted by me with a child-like expression, a fire extinguisher and smoking dreadlocks!!! He looked at me and said, "Thank you baby...but I will take it from here!" And he scooped me up in his car (smoke and all) and took me out to dinner! Morale of the story: Sometimes...even the best of plans for your meal AND your life get burned to the ground before anyone gets a chance to see your brilliance!!! It is the INTENTION that life honors, not the outcome. If you can keep your heart pure and intentions sincere...LIFE will show up at your door in your 11th hour crisis and say to you..."Thank you baby...I'll take it from here!" GOD/LIFE/SPIRIT ALWAYS HAS YOUR BACK!!!"-- Darnella Ford
I know the message was about patience and happiness, but she made me realize something even more. While I have to be patient, there is a man out there who will come to my rescue and be patient with me. At least I hope there's a man out there that will pick up the pieces when I burn our dinner. I can't cook. Hopefully there's a man who will be willing to make me smile when I can't figure out a reason to smile. There definitely has to be a man who will take in all my craziness and love it, right?
"True story: Two days ago, I decided to make my boyfriend an AMAZING dinner (Darnella in anybody's kitchen is its' own miracle). Initially, all was fine...then half-way through the process, somehow my meal imploded AND exploded in the oven, fire alarms went off, house filled with smoke and neighbors ran onto the street to evacuate the building! Boyfriend arrived, only to be greeted by me with a child-like expression, a fire extinguisher and smoking dreadlocks!!! He looked at me and said, "Thank you baby...but I will take it from here!" And he scooped me up in his car (smoke and all) and took me out to dinner! Morale of the story: Sometimes...even the best of plans for your meal AND your life get burned to the ground before anyone gets a chance to see your brilliance!!! It is the INTENTION that life honors, not the outcome. If you can keep your heart pure and intentions sincere...LIFE will show up at your door in your 11th hour crisis and say to you..."Thank you baby...I'll take it from here!" GOD/LIFE/SPIRIT ALWAYS HAS YOUR BACK!!!"-- Darnella Ford
I know the message was about patience and happiness, but she made me realize something even more. While I have to be patient, there is a man out there who will come to my rescue and be patient with me. At least I hope there's a man out there that will pick up the pieces when I burn our dinner. I can't cook. Hopefully there's a man who will be willing to make me smile when I can't figure out a reason to smile. There definitely has to be a man who will take in all my craziness and love it, right?
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