Friday, July 22, 2016

It Could Have Been Us, But....

It could have been us taking a walk around the park, talking, laughing and just enjoying each other's company.

We could have met at a restaurant. There's a million of them to choose from in this big city. We could have enjoyed good food and got to know more about each other afterwards.

It could have been as easy meeting at the library, or skating ring, or standing outside in the parking lot for an hour talking because I don't really know you and don't want you in my house. I'm not open enough to hug on everyone I know, so I'm not interested in netflix and chilling with people I still consider strangers. That shouldn't be hard to understand.

However, it is because as quickly as a date was planned, you got lazy and ran. You could have at least cancelled, but that was also too hard for you to do.

Ugh! I know this routine. You don't bring up the date you asked to go on, stop reaching out to me for a little while, and then one day speak to me again hoping I forgot about your previous bullshit move. You get confused when I say no, but your confusion doesn't matter. I'm just not interested anymore.

This is a true story from a woman manifested. It also a routine I'm too familiar with. I don't understand why men do this, but then think I'm supposed to pretend that they haven't already hurt my feelings once before with this damn game.

I go more into detail with difficulties of dating in my book Woman Manifested, which is available on Amazon. Purchase your copy today.

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