#1 most interesting on the list was Obama..there's just too much to say towards him so I'm going to another topic
Several lessons came up this year like:

Octomom taught everyone that while it takes a village to raise a child, a whole state is needed for eight children...
Haleigh Cummings case has taught me that a child dissappearing in the care of a father does not mean that a judge will automatically award custody of the child who is still safe to the mom...Guess that's what happens when you have very irresponsible parents...
And on the subject of Haleigh Cummings, when did it become okay to sit back and watch a 25yr old marry a 17yr old???? Okay, that's not a lesson. That's a question, but somebody answer this.
You really can never predict what a criminal does... Not too long ago some man decided to go kill old people in a nursing home. Well, he killed a nurse too, but also people from the age of 77 to the they're early 90's. I don't even want to know why someone would kill they elderly...

For all the hackers out there, if you get caught you will receive prison time...just look at Marcus Barrington, the first of the three FAMU students to go to trial...then again maybe the lesson was if you decide to hack into a college computer system to change grades and get away with it, don't continue to do it cause you might eventually get caught..
3. Apparently the anti-smoking commercials have not affected smokers, but increasing the cost of tobacco is pissing them off..
4. To make money off of books all you have to do is right one and claim it's not written for profit. That's what Steve Harvey did and he's sold a countless amount of books. I'm not even gonna lie. I bought it too. For those of you who read my article in the FAMUAN you already know this.
Years ago I knew that the economy profited heavily from African Americans and every once in a while Mariah Carey took advantage of this. Well, she's back at it again in the The Dream's song "My LOve"...gotta admit though, she still sounds good.
Check out the song...
While that song is so wonderful I've also learned that some women realy do feel more comfortable just being a side chick, no benefits, etc. It's the new dating as in the woman has a man but she's really still single...But that's a story for another time. Whoever reads this just pray for single women everywhere...

Until next time, just think and read
and check out http://www.greatproductions411.blogspot.com and http://www.thankme-later.blogspot.com
coywritten by Lashuntrice