Because men aren't the ones who pee on a stick to find out if they are pregnant...and because they don't carry a child in their stomach for 9 months...and because they don't give birth to that child...they really can't comprehend the fact that they are responsible for that child too.

See, it all started when they were children.
Little girls were busy playing with barbie, ken, and watching a million movies involving couples falling happily ever after in love. This in turn filled their minds with the idea of meeting a man and falling happily ever in love.
Little boys on the other hand were playing every sport imaginable. They also learned about cars, getting dirty, and playing rough was fun. Then as they got older they started to develop the physical feelings for girls. They were patted on the back and told it was good to have to feelings and act them out. This in turn gave them the idea that having sex with a girl was the best thing. However, because of this process of knowledge it wasn't built into their minds that the consequences the girl might face would also be their problem too.
And now for the song of the week:
Situations like this is why women have to really think before they react and that is why the song of the week is...
The First Night by Monica
(Disclaimer: This is a generalization, but I do know that not all men think like this)