People twit on facebook.. Why are you doing that? Facebook already tell me too many of your conversations with others? And then you complain about facebook telling people about your conversations with others? If you're going to complain why are you taking the time to add your twitter conversations to facebook?
I think people like to let the internet world know all of their business and then likes to complain about it, but I don't like it so stop DAMNIT...JUST STOP.
I don't really want to know all of your conversations with your friends on facebook, but facebook tells me anyway..and being a writer and loving to read sometimes I catch myself reading these things that pop up on my news feed.
I really don't want to read it all and I definitely don't want to read the twitter stuff..I don't even have twitter...(P.S. It took me almost two weeks to realize people were putting their twitter stuff on facebook, sad I know)
So in conclusion I say STOP STOP STOP..and Thank you
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