BET, founded by Robert Johnson, is the first television network dedicated to entertaining African Americans. This year BET is celebrating 30 years of being on television. However, there are some people who are not pleased with the network at all. They have gone as far as to start a petition to get rid of the network. Their reasons for getting rid of BET is that it does not educate African Americans anymore.
BET Petition
We Are In Need Of Educational Programs On Black Entertainment Television (B.E.T.)
Many African American's have a big issue with BET
BET is a business out to make money, and they are NOT in the best interest of a small portion of people--meaning US. The fact is MORE Black Americans like BET than those Black Americans that don't. BET isn't appealing anymore, and haven't been in over 10 years. The percentage of those who aren't satisfied with BET is small compared to those who are. Let's change that!
I don't understand why these people are getting so worked up. You don't see white people putting together petitions to shut down MTV.
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