Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Star Status Mugshots: Khia Gets Arrested For The 20th Time

Khia Looks Good In Jail
Some women look for success in the kitchen of their cozy home, some look for it in the success of their children, some look for it at the top of a corporation, and some women look for it in the amount of times they can be arrested.

Khia, famous rapper, is one of those women that finds success in breaking the law. Recently she broke the law by trying to hide her vehicle from the repo man. Apparently when you don't pay your bill you can't keep the vehicle that gave you a little thrill. These crime led Khia to her 20th arrest and 20th mugshot. 

Yeah, 20 mugshots. That's why she's smiling so hard. Check out a collection of Khia's other mugshots below. 

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