Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nicki Minaj Is Transformed Into Classic Stars

 Nicki Minaj has been transformed into several classic courtesans of the 18th century. The pictures were taken by photographer Francesco Vezzoli and his idea was to recreate Ms. Minaj into four of the most famous courtesans.

“I wanted to play with the public image of a female hip-hop star. During my entire career, I have always been fascinated by powerful women in history. I have spent a lot of time researching the ways they were represented in art and how their images were used to mold the public imagination—and to convey aesthetic and philosophical ideas about beauty and sexual desire."

“In her performances, Minaj makes very explicit and ­challenging use of her beauty and her body, so I thought of comparing her to some of the most famous courtesans in history: the Marquise de ­Montespan, Comtesse du Barry, Madame de Pompadour, and ­Madame Rimsky-­Korsakov. My idea was to reproduce four iconic portraits of some of the most fascinating females of the past in a series starring an American pop-culture role model."

They are pretty cool.

Pictures and quotes via 

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