Life is but a dream
So I sleep and imagine it the
way I want it to be
Can I have my perfect
Enough money in my paycheck
to where I’m wanting for nothing
Bills paid, enough food in
the kitchen, a road trip every now and then
Life tends to get stagnant
really quick
But I don’t want to stand
In my mind I pack up and go
Moving from city to city
Exploring each and every
I’m looking for a reason to
I’m searching for enjoyment
and happiness
Friends can’t always be
Families don’t always see
what’s going on
Significant others aren’t
meant for everyone
When awake I’m stressed and
bored and lonely
The memories, the photographs
Even those begin to bore me
The time feels like it has
stopped until I realize everyone else is still going
They’re getting married and
having kids
They’re having the time of
their lives, whether bad or good
More often than not I don’t
think they know I exist
I’m struggling but I don’t
want to be forgotten about
Often times we pay attention to the people who are successful. There are also so many of us still trying to figure everything out .