Sunday, February 7, 2010

School Lessons: Enjoying Life

When I came to college I planned to have the time of my life. I wanted to have good grades, but I also wanted to try to party as much as possible. I wanted to take as many pictures as possible. I wanted to make many memories with friends (even drunk memories).

However, certain circumstances put a stop to my plans. Those circumstances involved money. I didn't have a lot of responsibilities coming into college, but the number one thing I needed to do was eat. I was a picky eater, so surviving on cafeteria food was not good enough for me. With that in mind, I chose to spend the money I had on food instead of parties. I'm sure my parents liked the fact of me spending money on food instead of clubs, but that did not make me happy. It made that part of my college experience kind of boring.

After my freshman year I thought the fun would eventually come, but more worries came instead. I had to be more responsible because I was living off campus (expensive rent), eating off campus, and shopping expenses (I am a girl). During the rest of these years I concentrated so much on spending money only on what I need that I forgot to just enjoy the fun moments that make up my college experience.

In fact there's at least one moment I can think of that should have been fun, but it was not because I was worried about money. It was one of my summers in Tallahassee. I was hanging out with a friend and I had told her to drop me off at home before she with some others to this club. However, her plan was to get me to the club. I went that night, but I was unhappy because I already did not have a lot of money in my account. Then the club cost $5 to get in. $5 wouldn't have been a lot if I had a lot of money in my account at that time, but I didn't. Of course there were some fun moments with friends that did not involve spending money, but as college progressed they decreased.

So my lesson of the week is to have fun if you are in a surrounding that allows you to. Don't let any circumstances keep you from that fun. Enjoy Goombay if that's the biggest event coming up. Hit up Champagne Sip (something I always wanted to do) if that's what you want to do.

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