Monday, February 9, 2015

Kanye West Rides Hard For His Niggas #Grammys

The 2015 Grammy Awards was boring until Kanye West jokingly tried to take Beck's award from him. He walked up to Beck, reached his hand toward the award, but then backed off smiling. Beck looked kind of scared and never laughed. Although it was a joke on stage, Kanye really didn't think Beck deserved that award. He thought it belonged to his dear friend Beyonce.

A video posted by Lashuntrice (@mrsstarstatus) on
While Beyonce has a dedicated crew of fans, none of them match the passion that Kanye has for her. For instance back in 2009 Kanye got drunk, hopped onto the MTV video music awards stage, and told Taylor Swift that Beyonce had the best album of all time. It was a hilarious moment and showed his true dedication for his friend.

However, Beyonce isn't the only friend he's publicly showed his die-hard support for. He's done an album with Jay-Z and continually showed his dedication to his wife Kim Kardashian. I imagine he's the type of friend and husband that will physically fight another person if he feels the need to.

Everyone should have a friend like him in their circle. These kind of friends bring excitement to the group and also shows their undying love for you. They make you feel like you're important. You believe you're important too because they believe they are important. There is nothing better than having an important friend that puts you on a pedestal next to them.

