Thursday, August 21, 2014

#PreachersofLA Judge Not

The first lesson from season two of Preachers of LA is all about judging. It seems as if there are just a lot of misunderstandings going on.

For instance Pastor Jay Haizlip felt caught off guard when he found out he married off a couple that was hiding very important news. Deitrick and his wife were pregnant and already married when Pastor Haizlip publicly united them as one. Neither Deitrick or Dominique knew they were doing anything wrong. The initial pastor didn't show up and they needed someone to officiate the wedding.

The same goes for Loretta, Bishop Noel Jones, and Bishop Ron Gibson. Clearly Ron has been holding onto the fact that Loretta and Noel are not married. Whether friends or more, they've been together for almost two decades and still not married. That bothers Ron because of what the bible says. In this situation they all just have to listen to each other and respect each other's opinions. I think in the reunion show Loretta shut all the marriage questions down with her amazing response to Michelle Williams.

"It hasn't always been like this. It came with a level of maturity. I've come to a point that this is where I am. I own it, I accept it, and I walk in it."- Loretta

Actually it seems as if the message of judging  is going to get stronger into the season. There's a future scene where Loretta is crying and saying something about a pastor recognizing hurt. Then Ron's face appears. Is this connected? We'll have to wait to find out. The reunion episodes were clearly taped after the 2nd season was over with.

There are two people we will probably not see drama from. That is Pastor Wayne Chaney and his wife. Also, I love the message of Judge Not. Judging is what keeps every reality television show in circulation, so the message is definitely worth tackling.

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