Wait, my mind was on positivity. Upon looking at every tweet I wanted to see positivity. While don't always unite on twitter, award shows are a guarantee that everyone will be on one accord. Most people were. We went wild when Jessie J., Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj opened up the awards show. Even though Anaconda sucks as a song, everyone was curious to see whether she would have snakes and whether her ass would actually move. You never know when you buy body parts.
Again, I'm not knocking anybody, but I can't even do pop culture right now. Too raw. For me, it lulls me away from my angry edge.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) August 25, 2014
The twitter line was full of celebrity pictures and lots of laughing emoticons when an activist decided to try and ruin everyone else's fun. Then again, he could have just been expressing how he still could not smile due to Michael Brown's death and police brutality. Either way, his tweet sent a message.
The message I took was that we shouldn't enjoy our lives because of the terrible events that are going on. The message I got was that I shouldn't concentrate on anything else until justice is done, but whose to say justice will really happy? What does justice look like anyway? It is different for everyone. Who is also to say that the evil in the world will end if I put off the MTV Awards, or BET Awards, or even the Oscars? It won't.
This tweet came on Sunday and then Monday Michael Brown's funeral was broadcasted. I'm not sure if it was on television because I never checked. However, there was a link to watch it online. I couldn't do it. I didn't want my emotions to go there. Be mad at me for not wanting to get angry. Be mad at me for not wanting to be sad at that particular moment. I chose to wake up and do something that involved living.
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