Monday, November 7, 2011

The Science Of Black Hair (Book)

There's a new book out that dives into the science of black hair.

It's been approximately seven weeks and two days since I went to the hair salon and got all my permed hair cut off. At first the plan was to play it cool. I wanted to learn how to manage my hair as if I was just hired in a new position at a job. With a job that pays money (especially good money) you need to learn the basics of what you are doing. However, the more I looked at my new-found texture, the more curious I became about handling it. So far I've went to some salon or barbership every other week to make sure the edges are taken care of, but experienced with products on my own. This interest is amazing. I went from doing the cut just to have something new and now it's become a second job that I love. And I see that others love figuring out black hair texture too.

Well, it's been no secret that the world is obsessed with everything black, but lately the world has made a special place in our hearts to be obsessed with black hair care. This curiosity has grown so big that there is now a book titled "The Science of Black Hair" by Audrey Davis Syvasothy.

According to this book gives a breakdown on the structure of black hair and how you should care for it. Would you buy this book? I'm tempted to just to see what she has to say about hair care and what I might learn.

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