Bloggers are supposed to be very open with our lives. Nothing is supposed to be off limits, even though sometimes we put limitations on ourselves just for a little safety. It's the opposite in journalism most of the time. One of the first rules about journalism is you have no life. Your life is essentially what is going on with everyone else. However, sometimes you just can't hide who you are or what is going on with yourself. Plus, the lines between journalism and blogging have become so blurred there might not be a difference anymore. Maybe that is the point of the latest Being Mary Jane episode.
One of the big expectations since season 2 of Being Mary Jane started was that the popular anchor would have a news segment dedicated to freezing her eggs. She was partially doing this with the expectation of having kids one day and partially because it's a great news story. Who expected that the 38-yr-old would find out the hormone injections had failed on national television? Who knew she would find out that she was at risk for not having any children on live television? As Mary Jane found out in front of a rolling camera, the guest anchor Gayle King (yes Oprah's friend) requested the camera come back to her. In the midst of it, Mary Jane started crying and couldn't control her anger by the time the show was over. She went off on everyone because everyone knew her personal business.
The episode gets deeper after the embarrassing news segment. Mary Jane and one of her closest friends get into a huge argument over her lifestyle. To deflect what her friend is saying, Mary Jane throws all her friends' issues into her face. The fight gets ugly.
While there are other issues highlighted in this episode, Mary Jane spends it very disappointed that anyone suggested her inserting her personal life into the news. As bloggers should we be keeping our own business more personal while talking more about everyone else? Do you think news anchors and reporters should only concentrate on what is going on with everyone else?