Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rasheeda Marry Me Video Plus Toya's Verse

When you listen to Rasheeda's music you think of an underground artist who knows exactly what she's doing. After all, Rasheeda has been in the music industry for a while promoting herself. She's also done it independently. Plus she knows how to get a group of women together on a track without a fight. Remember that infamous "Bedrock" remix from 2010? That song had so many women on it I lost count. Anyway, listening to Rasheeda's music makes you think of her as a powerhouse, but last night on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta her powerhouse seemed to be falling apart. 

It started with a video premiere her husband put together for a song called "Marry Me." However, when Rasheeda arrived she realized just how disorganized everything was. Her husband, who was in charge of putting the event together and inviting folks, only managed to get at the most of 20 people to show up. Then there were technical difficulties. The screen behind her was not working to show the video. Instead it was being broadcast on the other side of the room, but Rasheeda's husband failed to tell her before she started speaking. It looked bad. Real bad. 

However, while their private showing of the music video did not meet high expectations, "Marry Me" is on the internet for your entertainment. There is also a version of the song with Toya Carter Wright on it. Watch the video below and listen to Toya's version too. 

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