I started to write "Near Death" experience a couple hours late. It was yesterday's topic but I planned to write and publish two "wild flowers" posts in one day. The near death experience topic was going to be about mentally losing myself in others expectations and opinions and having to find myself again. In it I was going to discuss lack of self confidence because of other people lacking confidence in me, not seeing beauty in me when I badly wanted them to, etc. But then something happened that made me delete it all and pay attention…
Some random twitter thugs (they're twitter thugs because they're probably not spitting the hate when they leave for work or job searches) had jumped into my mentions. I didn't even know what was that cause of the hate, even though there doesn't always have to be a reason behind it. I soon realized it was because of a picture tweeted on my timeline where guy called some woman bad and because I had just finished reading a discussion where black men gave praises to white women (I'll explain in another post) while dissing black women, I was curious as to why the white woman was considered "bad" to him. I didn't think she was ugly, but his reply would have helped me gather my thoughts for this future post. He didn't reply back then, but his gang of friends decided to reply by attacking my looks tonight. I blocked them all and learned why people feel so free using the block button on social media.
Now you see why I was distracted from what was supposed to be yesterday's post, but it has inspired today's topic "My Body."
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?"
My body is a temple. I didn't quite understand it growing up, although I heard it a countless amount of Sundays, but my body is a temple and I shall protect it. It needs protecting from the criticism of strange people who hate my hair for not falling down my shoulders, hate my face because it doesn't remind them of Tyra Banks. I'm no model. It needs protecting from strange people who don't think I'm pretty enough or too dark skinned. It needs protection from the people who stare disapprovingly in the real world and the people who hide behind computer screens just to say mean things. My body is a temple and it needs protecting from the men that feed me with their words in attempts to get sex and run off to the next girl. My body is a temple and it needs protecting from me during those days where I think I'm not good enough. What do I change? What do I fix? My body is a temple and I'll love it just the way it is.
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