Monday, March 21, 2011

Anyone Can Reach Star Status, James Bland's Story

I'm drooling over him and yes it's because he's fine. His skin is perfect, his sex appeal his high, he keeps teasing his Facebook friends with photos, and he's super smart.

 His name is James Bland and he's making some big moves. I was first graced with his presence on the campus of Florida A&M University. Although he was a business student you could find him anywhere. He was the student government vice president. He was involved in several theater activities on campus. He even had his own popular show being broadcast in Tallahassee. There was one semester where I saw him quite a bit in a psychology class. Mr. Bland was a walking powerhouse and he's not stopping any time soon.

Recently MultiThousandaires did an interview with James Bland. In the interview he talks about his short film "Cocoa Love," which as featured on BET, and other projects that he is working on. Check the interview out here.

P.S. James Bland may not be on Will Smith's status yet, but he's a star.


  1. Wow. Great post! ;)

  2. Great are so right, James Bland IS a star! You can read more on his show FAIL on this blog:


