Sunday, July 13, 2014

From the @Plies Concert, Rappers You've Never Heard Of

It was a Saturday night and all I wanted to do was see Plies.
But this artist is who I actually saw.
Yes, this is the rapper behind Bust It Baby, Miss Pretty Pussy, and I Feel Like Fucking among many other songs. Yes, this is the underground rapper famous for saying just about anything like referring a woman's body part as that bike and having a song titled Rob Myself. In Rob Myself, he starts the video off by pretending to eat a plate full of money. 

Well, I wanted to be a normal 20-something year old and find excitement during the weekend. Work usually kills the vibe. I currently get off Fridays at midnight and have to be at work at 9 am Saturdays. By the time club hours come around I can only lay under a blanket and muster enough energy to nosily look at what others are posting on social media. This Saturday was not one of those days. I slept in and then proceeded to enjoy the day upon waking up. 

So the club comes around. This was supposed to be a concert with Plies being the star of the show, but instead it turned into guest appearances by unknown rappers and a DJ playing really good music to 20 people for several hours. 

Literally I could have been home scrolling youtube for what I experienced, but being on the scene always makes it that much better. Two unknown artists performed. One's name was Q Guyton. Guyton performed his heart out and then told us to grab his mixtape. It was free and he claimed he put is heart into it. How could I not support? The DJ continued to play really good music up until the moment I left. 

Plies, everyone was waiting for Plies. I spoke with one of the staff and he assured me Plies was there. Then I went through twitter. Someone had just starting posting news that our beloved underground hood Floridian rapper had been arrested. He never made it inside. He never knew he only had 20 supporters in H-town. 

*pours water out for the concert that never happened*

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