Monday, June 13, 2011

The National Black Book Festival (My First One Ever)

I have a secret to tell you. This weekend was the best weekend of my life. But it wasn't spent in a club, at the park alone, or in some restaurant feeding the depressed part of me. Instead it was spent at a book festival, The National Black Book Festival.

The Books I Bought
Now some of you may think that sounds boring. However, those who know the book lover, the girl addicted to reader, the one who just found the courage to share her writing talents with the rest of the world (all of those are me) realize that this was an absolutely huge deal for me. I felt like like a kid in a candy store.

For real, I went to this event alone and for the first time since I've been back in Houston I didn't feel alone. There were authors and writers just like me. In fact they were actually willing to listen to me and I wasn't as prepared business wise as many of them were. I had no book to refer anyone to, no business cards to pass out, and only one author there knew who I was beforehand (and she barely recognized me).
Some Business Cards I Collected
What I did have was credibility (journalism degree to talk about and a blog site to speak of) and they accepted it. They referred me to other book festivals around the country and referred me to places that will help me get started on putting together my own book.

These authors inspired me, encouraged me, and one even said I inspired him. I don't know how I was an inspiration though, but it was great. The best part of all is no one talked about any side jobs they might have. It was all about writing and books.

BTW: I bought several books and took a couple pictures.

Summer Reading List Gathered From The National Black Book Festival:
Smile by Kevin Reeves
Mistress To Mrs. by Rashawn Johnson
The Day I Met A Wolf by Kontrena Clark
My Box Of Jewels by Kathy R. Jackson (that was free)

Shameless Verses by Akira Bennet
Love Drunk by Scott Antwan (he won the poetry contest)
Love Sonnets by Periette
The Last Words Will Be Spoken by Brandon "BStuc ThaPoet" Stuckey (ordered online)

Pictures From The National Black Book Festival 

Me and Kwan

Kontrena Clark, She brands herself by wearing a wedding dress

Kevin Reeves, there's something about him that I love

Rashawn Johnson

Scott Antwan, Poetry Slam Winner

Akira Mone' Bennett
Before I heard about the event my heart was a little broken from trying to figure out if I can ever be like those people. So it wouldn't show I put on the dress below. It reads:
 "Nothing Was Ever Achieved Without Passion." 
I was looking like that because the brother refused to take the picture correctly.

Yes, I really went to a book festival and had the best time of my life this year. If you've been in my shoes since last May you'd understand the joy. Although I hate the words, YES I'm a nerd, weird, and possibly awkward, but you decided to read this whole post so stop judging. (That's the defensive girl in me talking.) 

Now that I've hit up the National Black Book Festival, it's time for the Blogging While Brown and NABJ conferences. I'll concentrate on having some real fun once I become like the rest of them, STARS. 


  1. very good post. Interesting. Short, sweet and interesting - authentic. Good start. I'm presenting at the Blogging While Brown event. See you there. Blog dog!

  2. Thanks for reading and leaving the comment. Going to the Blogging While Brown conference is actually just wishful thinking at the moment, but if I do go I hope to meet you.

  3. I am national coordinator of the National Black Book Festival (NBBF) and I would like to repost your blog in our upcoming edition of NBBF News, a monthly e-newsletter about the Festival. I would like to include some of your photos as well. Of course, all info would be attributed to you and we would include one of the photos of you as well as a link to your blog. Please let me know as soon as possible as I am working on the July edition now. Thank you.

    Gwen Richardson
    NBBF National Coordinator

  4. Yes, you can definitely re post and use the photos.


