I recently read that Basketball Wives Miami is coming back. You remember that show with Shaunie O'Neal, Evelyn Lozada, Jennifer Williams, Tami Roman, Royce Reed, and Suzie Ketcham. Gloria Govan was also on this show before she became a part of the Basketball Wives LA show. The LA show featured several other women who we never cared about until this franchise was birthed.
Most of these women were unknowns who happened to have sex with basketball players. Royce, Tami, and Shaunie walked away from the relationships with children. At one point they were regular women surrounded by men with money, but then overnight they became reality stars. Now they're making their own money. These aren't the only women though.
There's also one of my favorite shows to watch, Hollywood Exes. This show features a bunches of women who were once married to famous men, but the show is not about the men. It's really about the women and most of them are just living good up in Hollywood.
There is Nicole Murphy. She's the most gorgeous of the women. For real, Nicole Murphy reminds me of the light skinned black barbie with the long hair. For some reason that was the only barbie I owned and as a kid I was destructive. I thought I could give barbie a haircut, but nah. I messed her up instead and when I messed her up her beauty was ruined to. Nicole is just beautiful.
Then there is Mayte Garcia, Jessica Conseco, Sheree Fletcher, Shamicka Lawrence, and Andrea Kelly. These women were barely known two years ago, but now we tune in faithfully every Sunday to peer into their lovely boring Hollywood lives. Why do I love it so? Why am I so happy that these women have stepped out of the shadows and become people we look up to? I still don't know what most of them do for a living, but I want to be them one day. Well not Shamicka. She's has too much patience.
There are also soon to be spin-off shows popping up about more ex girlfriends/wives of Hollywood men. However, I can't help but wander if there's room for the regular ex-girlfriends. Is there even any room for the side chicks and jump-offs?
Everyone knows that one woman who is desperately trying to accomplish her dreams, but keeps sexing broke niggas for free. She's lonely and prostitutes charge. Plus deep in her heart she wants the money and real love. We could learn something from her.
What about the woman who jumped into a relationship with the man based on his potential? He had the potential to be a basketball player, football star, or even a lawyer. He could have become a senior vice president at a bank, or even a famous psychologist. Men are good at head games. But he did none of that. They stayed together for six years and by the end he was flipping burgers at McDonalds. Cold World. We could learn something from her.
Then there's the woman similar to Shamicka Lawrence and MiMi Faust of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. She's a regular chick that just took too long to leave. She has a story to tell and we'll listen. We'll watch her bash her regular ex-husband and talk about her regular real job sitting at a desk all day every day.
Wait, but a reality show would be nothing without the regular every day woman who has yet to find a man. Is something wrong with her? Is something wrong with the men? She has a story to tell.
So can regular ex-girlfriends and ex-wives get noticed? The rest of us need money too and we have stories to tell.
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