I haven't cursed in a while, so I decided to write this poem.
Well, actually someone inspired me with their thoughts on my attitude toward life. This is for that person even though they probably won't read this.
A Degree In BS
The crowd screams
The cameras flash
The questions get asked
“How did you do it?”
They want to know,
“How are you so successful?”
And I reply
I got a BS degree
And they ask
“What does BS stand for?”
Bull Shit…
See I woke up happy…Thought I had all I needed… education, degrees, the “white girl” grammar, the “almost” perfect body, the friendly mood, the willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my dreams attitude…Because someone once said, “Do what you have to do in order to do what you want to do” and after years of struggling to obtain something I thought I needed….hope, accomplishing goals, handing over my soul for a little bit of talent… I’m chasing after minimum wage jobs, living in the parents house, and crying my eyes out because as good as this BS degree is it’s never good enough. Some think my bullshit is too much for them… “That’s a mean one, fast talker, too educated for her own good”…while others say I can’t spit enough Bull Shit for them… “Not good enough, lacking in Bull Shit skills, needs more experience in this Bull Shit world.” But what keeps me going is those that praise my Bull Shit knowledge….
I hear their voices cheering me on
“How are you managing?”
They ask
And I reply
“You see my Bull Shit degree
I worked hard for this
So I’m putting these skills to work.
After all I didn’t go through all this Bull Shit for nothing”
P.S. I love my Broadcast Journalism degree.
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